Russia And China Working Together On Vaccine For Coronavirus

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Russia and China are working jointly to develop a coronavirus vaccine and Beijing has handed over the genome of the virus to Moscow, the Russian consulate in China’s Guangzhou said on Wednesday.

“Russian and Chinese experts have begun developing a vaccine,” the consulate said in a statement on its website.

A growing number of governments, including the United States, Britain and Germany, have in recent days advised their citizens to avoid non-essential travel to China over concerns about the viral outbreak.

Read more at i24NEWS.



  1. They can get it from Bill Gates who was holding a patent for the Coronavirus vaccination in 2015. In Oct 2019 he even spoke about a big epidemic coming.

  2. Bill Gates predicted the outbreak of the virus 3 months ago during a conference in NYC with a presentation of a simulation of an outbreak. Bill Gates predicted that 65 million people would be affected or killed. This is not a coincidence since he funded the patent of the coranova virus and is working on a vaccine that could sicken thousands of people, Hashem Yerachem.

    • All this is coming from Bill Gates the Philanthropist? After giving millions away, he decided to become a mass-murderer?
      I tell you, these anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory stories are getting wackier by the day!
      There must be a whole job market for people to come up with these things!

      • That’s what Pig Farmer, I mean Big Pharma wants the shteeble, I mean sheeple to bereave, I mean believe. Bill Gates actually donated Billions to paid assassins in a bid to silence brave, truth-telling flat-earthers. In the middle of the night on April 31, 2018 these cruel killers snuffed out the lives of these martyrs-of-the-truth by flinging them off of the edges of our flat globe, whereupon they were dashed to smithereens and instantly consumed by the gargantuan cooties that inhabit the nether regions of nowhere. CNN, FOX, The National Enquirer and other tools of TheDeepState buried this story, but those wise and brave enough to know where to read TheRealNews knew this story long ago.
        P.S. Here are some halachik shailos from this crew:
        Is a Unicorn horn kosher for shofar?
        If a cat was declared to be kosher, would it need to be shechted nine times for its nine lives?


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