Several sources including the prestigious Israeli business publication Globes are reporting that the British multinational consumer goods company Unilever, may be ready to change course on its controversial Ben & Jerry’s decision. The kashrus world has debated the wisdom of withholding hashgacha from Ben & Jerry’s until it reverses its decision to bar sales of the ice cream products in Judea and Samaria. Unilever’s share price has fallen about 12% over the past few months, since the dispute erupted in July, a much bigger fall than the share price of other major consumer goods companies.
The first economic steps taken to counter Ben & Jerry’s decision was the disinvestment from Unilever shares traded on Wall Street by seven US states including Texas, New York, New Jersey, Florida, and Arizona, which have major pension fund investments. New York alone had pension fund holdings of $100 million in the corporation’s shares. Another 33 states have said they are considering taking similar action against Unilever and Ben and Jerry’s, which is based in Vermont. Ben & Jerry’s Israel CEO Avi Zinger told “Globes” that Unilever and Ben & Jerry’s thought that the storm would blow over after two weeks and the criticism would subside. “The opposite has happened and processes that needed time to gain momentum are happening now – more and more states and institutions are withdrawing investments, state governors are publishing harsh declarations and withdrawing their money.” [KOSHER TODAY]
Chalav yisroel is assur so it was a good zach that this garbage wasn’t being sold in Eretz Yisroel. I would not allow my children to marry into a family that consumes such treifos.
It is being sold in eretz yisroel.
You would also not allow your children to marry into a family that eats chometz (“gebroktz”, or even “kitniyos”) on Pesach, either
You should be as careful what comes out of your mouth as much as what goes into your mouth.
They make very good pareve ice cream. And their Israeli products, if made there, could (that’s could) use Cholov Yisrael.
Chalav yisroel is assur?!
Since when??
Chalav stam, not chalav yisroel.Most, if not all, chareidi people would not eat it. However, It’s hardly treifos!
The real signs Ben & Jerry’s May be Caving to the Pressure is when I firmly press my large spoon into the delicious cookie dough flavor and a large hollow crevice forms inside the container as a result.