‘Sit Down, Karen!’: Delta Passenger Loses It, Slaps Unmasked Man

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A woman was kicked off a Delta flight Thursday and arrested by the feds after she verbally attacked another passenger on the plane to Atlanta, authorities said. Patricia Cornwall allegedly harassed a man for not wearing a mask while he was eating and drinking. But in a video captured by another passenger Cornwall appears to not be wearing a mask properly either.

In the footage, Cornwall tells the man to “Put your—-mask on!” In return, he told her to “sit down, Karen!” Eventually, Cornwall slaps the man, and crew members try to restrain her. Delta released a statement saying that the company has “zero tolerance for unruly behavior.” Read more at Twitter.



    • The Karen’s name is Patricia Cornwall, a typical Hollywood actress hypocrite. Her mask was only on her chin but yet she’s screaming at an old 80 year old man. The man happened to look a lot like Clint Eastwood.

  1. “But in a video captured by another passenger Cornwall appears to not be wearing a mask properly either.”

    They are all hypocrites, but this is exactly the plan Fauci ym”s has planned. Divide and conquer. Become ambassadors/gestapo. Get the citizens busy fighting with each other.
    These Biden voters will eventually get what’s coming to them. I had a recent incident with one of them right here in Flatbush. I was standing waiting for the light to change on Coney Island Avenue before crossing, and being outside there is NO law to wear a mask so I wasn’t. She comes over to me and starts spewing her garbage about masks and killing people etc etc. I just gave her the middle finger and crossed the street. She was steaming. Good.

    • Flipping the middle finger is a vulgarity in sign-language.
      Unbecoming a good jew. And it’s possibly/probably a Chillul-Hashem for a jew to demonstrate vulgarities.

      You could have just calmly told her that there’s no masking law outdoors, flash her a smile, and walk away.
      She would have likely Plotzed.
      In a pinch you could just tell her “Oh, shut up, you ignoramus!” And then walk away.

      • Good point. We must always bend over backwards and treat those that hate us and want us dead, with the utmost derech eretz. Whether it’s in the tri-state area or in Gaza.


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