Smotrich in Paris: There is No Such Thing as a Palestinian People

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Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich spoke at an event in Paris on Sunday night, during which he stated that “the Palestinian people are an invention that is less than 100 years old,” Arutz Sheva reports.

Speaking at a tribute event in memory of Likud activist Jacques Kupfer, Smotrich said, “Jacques’ truth must be told with all our might and without confusion – he said there is no such thing as Palestinians, because there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. We need to tell the truth without bowing to the lies and distortions of history, and without succumbing to the hypocrisy of BDS and the pro-Palestinian organizations.”

Smotrich claimed in his remarks that he himself is Palestinian. “My grandfather, who was the 13th generation in Jerusalem, is the real Palestinian. My grandmother, who was born in Metula more than 100 years ago to a family of pioneers, is Palestinian.”



  1. The idol-State and nation of Zionist “Israel” is also an invention.

    The Jewish people, as in the people of the Torah, are timeless. But the usurper Zionists, who have fraudulently claimed the holy mantle of the Jewish people, are also an invention.

  2. Who were the kings or leaders of the so-called “Palestinians” between year 0 of the Common Era and year 1900 of the Common Era?

    There were none, because so-called “Palestinians” DID NOT EXIST in those times.

    Can you name even ONE important Palestinian philosopher or scientist or mathematician or inventor or author who lived between year 0 of the Common Era and year 1900 of the Common Era?

    There were none, because so-called “Palestinians” DID NOT EXIST in those times.

    The so-called “Palestinians” are a recent invention; invented for the purpose of committing the greatest land-theft in history: stealing the land of Israel from the Jewish people.

  3. Gain for betting the Arabs can go. What more will it take to clear Samaria and Judea? Arabs live nicely where ever else they go.

  4. You probably should call them ‘arab palestinians’. That way the right to name them is their care for their belief that the jurisdiction of Palestine never ended.

    But with a Greater Israel plan, they would be arab-Israelis. The resting before is their vacuum of right.


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