Some Republicans Ready To Let Biden Win And Look Ahead To 2024

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President Trump is down in the polls. The Republican National Convention is mostly canceled. And now, some Republicans are contemplating the unthinkable: Would they be better off losing in November and rebuilding for 2024?

“The thought is starting to cross people’s minds,” said a Republican strategist who requested anonymity to speak candidly. “One way or the other, there will be life after Trump.”

This remains a small minority position among Republicans. Trump’s popularity with rank-and-file party members endures. Even a recent Fox News poll that contained mostly bad news for Trump showed 73% of his supporters were happy with their choices, compared to 62% of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s. But Trump has never been particularly strong with the GOP’s governing and consultant class, dating back to 2016, and his relationship with them has waxed and waned with his political fortunes.

The theory is that if Trump is defeated, Democrats led by an aging and diminished Biden will pursue an unpopular left-wing political agenda and inherit the pandemic, economic downturn, and civil unrest. Republicans would likely recover in the midterm elections in 2022, possibly regaining a chamber or two of Congress. This could put the party in a strong position to turn the page on Trump in 2024.

Read more at Washington Examiner.




  1. And they’re ready to let the country look like deBlasio’s New York and expect to fix it in 2024??? They’re RINO Republicans: anyone who cares deeply for this country can’t possibly do that!

  2. Always nice reading information from an “anonymous Republican”, about a minority position among Republicans. How about articles about non-anonymous Democrats, representing a major position among Democrats, pointing out their anti-Israel, anti-religious, and anti-Semitic opinions.

      • You sound like standard Democrats mis-characterization of words. The term “caught” was used to mean “exposed”. It does not mean they have been stopped. Barr is working against the clock and against the rabid media (and the against rabid Democrats who are threatening impeachment to slow him down even more and thus pervert justice) to indict them legally.

  3. Well, the guy pictured above is not running. He’s gone with the wind. The other guy, the clone, cannot become POTUS. Any Republican not voting for Trump is a RINO and most likely a criminal like 98% of the Democrat politicians who are not around anymore. Had they been around you’d have heard from them loud and clear, like the first 2 years of Trump’s presidency.

  4. (Gateway Pundit) – How many Americans died of COVID-19 because the Democrat-media complex lied about Hydroxychloroquine?
    Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the Coronavirus.
    The fake news media, including CNN, NBC, CBS, WaPO and NY Times all waged a war on Hydroxychloroquine just because Trump touted the anti-malaria drug as an effective treatment for COVID-19.
    Dr. Stella Immanuel said on Monday that she has personally treated over 350 patients with COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Zithromax and they have all recovered.
    The doctor also disclosed that she put herself and her staff on Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative.
    Dr. Immanuel challenged CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Fauci to take a urine test to prove they aren’t taking Hydroxychloroquine as a prophylaxis for COVID-19.

    • De Stella )mmanuel? the one that believes in devil’s “seed”? in Alien DNA? The one who says that endometriosis and other medical diseases are caused by having dreams in which the patient dreams having relations with devils and witches? The one who threatened the server machines of Facebook and Twitter, which dared limiting her rants, would be destroyed by nothing less than j.c ???? yes, THAT j.c. And you find her opinions trustworthy and legitimate?

    • Don’t you think that Israel would have no interest in suppressing a cure that works, especially since it is backed by a rather Israel-friendly POTUS? If the treatment works as purported, why is this cure not exported to Israel?

    • You should daven for Trump’s current success and Heavenly assistance in eradicating the “invisible enemy”, the Deep State criminals of the world. He’s b”H matzliach but prayers can help even more.

  5. This is disinformation to break morale like the fake polls. Lies.
    But we have to daven and pray , because if Biden wins, it’s the end of USA.

    • Excellent observation!! Yes, A Biden/Democrat victory in this election, RACHMANA LITZLAN, would well mean that in 2024 — and already long before that — there WOULD NOT BE a United States of America!! Even if it would still officially have the USA name, it would be a dramatically different type of place. Especially over these last several months of the Covid crises, we have seen the numerous sinister abuses that the Democrat governors imposed on their states, and most certainly want to continue imposing. Their escalation to the top of the national level would thus form a horror of an absolute dictatorship tyranny, the like of which has never been seen.


    • Excellent observation!! Yes, A Biden/Democrat victory in this election, RACHMANA LITZLAN, would well mean that in 2024 — and already long before that — there WOULD NOT BE a United States of America!! Even if it would still officially have the USA name, it would be a dramatically different type of place. Especially over these last several months of the Covid crises, we have seen the numerous sinister abuses that the Democrat governors imposed on their states, and most certainly want to continue imposing. Their escalation to the top of the national level would thus form a horror of an absolute dictatorship tyranny, the like of which has never been seen.


  6. I don’t want Biden to win but the silver lining of him doing so would be
    (1)The party in power always loses seats in the midterm elections. Obama even managed to flip congress, the senate and the majority of state governments from Democrat to Republican while he was president
    (2)The guy does not have the mental strength or stamina to fight too hard for a liberal agenda anymore
    (3)It is extremely unlikely that he will be up to running in 2024. Let alone actually winning so the Republican candidate will have a good chance of winning. Conversely if Trump wins the Republican candidate will almost definitely lose in 2024 because it is very rare for the same party to hold the presidency for more than eight straight years

  7. Gettign rid of Rino’s will be tough. The Chief Rino is currently in the whitehouse and has strong support among the Party base.
    At this Point If Pence won’t takeo n Trump for the better of this country (and party) we can only conclude he too is a rino

  8. What do you guys call RINOS? Religious and conservatives who define themselves as Republicans because of their moral/religious values and their values of liberty, and do not define Republican as being crass, populist and rude, deciding political positions based on personal whim?! Really now. I think you’re lost cases, influenced by the SUTT (Sucking Up To Trump) media.

  9. Maybe it trump would have shown leadership during this crisis it would have boosted his numbers. instead hes angry fouci the only person acting like the adult in the room is so popular. can you imagine if bush would have hid after 9/11 and diverted attention away with sideshows? everybody remembers Bush’s active leadership right after 9 11!

  10. > “One way or the other, there will be life after Trump.”

    What does that mean? The question at hand is – will there be life after Biden? His handlers will trash (stack) the courts, weaponize the institutions of government (such as the IRS, FISA etc) to trash/intimidate conservatives/Republicans, and rig the election system itself (no ID required to vote, mail-in voting etc etc etc), and let loose their mobs (as in the riots that have been happening for months now) against any perceived enemy while pretending they are helpless to do anything to stop them.

    Basically if you want any job or income, or even your life from expiring (as in letting criminals out but preventing police from answering calls for help by the wrong political voter – as we have already seen), you had better be a Democrat supporter or else leave the country. At the same time they will flood the country with immigrants they can count on to vote Democrat.

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