Tefillos for Reb Avrohom Aharon and Rivka Rubashkin

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All are asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Reb Avrohom Aharon and Rivka Rubashkin, parents of Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, who are both hospitalized with the coronavirus.

Please be mispallel for Avrohom Aharon Halevi ben Rasha Roiza and Rivka bas Hinda.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Correction for Reb Rubashkin’s name: Avraham Aharon Halevi Ben Rasha. L’refuah Shlaimah U’kraivah, & to Rivkah Bas Hinda, amongst ALL CHOLEI AM YISROEL.

  2. PLEASE: Correction for Reb Rubashkin’s name: Avraham Aharon Halevi Ben Rasha. L’REFUAH SHLAIMAH UKRAIVAH, & to Rivkah Bas Hinda, amongst ALL CHOLEI AM YISROEL.

  3. the Rubashkin couple are the best and nicest people I have ever met a privilege to know them they do and did so many mitzvos I remember an incident a man came to collect tzedoko Mr.Rubashkin ran down the steps to give him the money he did not want an elderly person to come up the stairs. Mrs. Rubashkin fed people who had no where to go they opened their house to anyone in that merit may they both have a big refuoh Shlamo we certainly will daven
    for them.
    good friend Aggie


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