Torah2Go: Spreading Toras Hashem

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Torah2Go is an organization fully committed to spreading Toras Hashem to the masses of Klal Yisrael. We have had the zechus to print and distribute CDs and USBs to the tens of thousands free of charge allover the country. This ensures the Torah’s accessibility no matter where one finds oneself.

Our database includes exclusive access to shiurim of Gedolim/Talmidei Chochomim past and present. This ensures our listening base can have the security in knowing they are listening to Emes Daas Torah. Each USB/CD presents a topic that touches each of us such as Emunah, Chinuch, Halacha, Yomim Tovim etc.

We have individuals calling from all parts of the country asking for us to set up our Torah2Go Chizuk Hubs by their Makom Tefilla/Torah. The one thing that inhibits our capacity to fulfill these requests are the tremendous costs involved in the purchasing and printing of CDs and USBs which are provided at no cost to the listening tzibbur.

As Purim is upon us, the message of Kimu vKiblu rains truer than ever. The Anshei Knesses HaGedola in their elevated wisdom established the Yom Tov of Purim. What separated the miracle of Purim more than the plethoras of other miracles that Hashem has performed for Klal Yisrael that could have been established as a Yom Tom for generations was our reacceptance of Torah me’Ahava on Purim. We would like to help more of Klal Yisrael be apart of this Klal-wide kabbalas Ol Torah.

Please assist us in doing so by clicking on the link below and making a donation. Every dollar donated allows the opportunity for hours of more Torah to be heard and internalized.

501(c)3 receipts are available upon request.


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