Trump Pledges Executive Order on ‘Day One’ of Presidency to End Birthright Citizenship for Illegal Aliens, ‘Birth Tourism’

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Breitbart reports that former President Donald Trump, who is considered the leading candidate for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, unveiled a new policy proposal. In a video released as part of his Agenda 47 campaign series, which was exclusively obtained by Breitbart News, Trump outlined his plan to sign an executive order on the first day of his second term to put an end to birthright citizenship for undocumented immigrants and “birth tourism.”

Trump emphasized that the executive order would clarify the correct interpretation of the law, asserting that the children of illegal immigrants would no longer automatically receive U.S. citizenship. He argued that birthright citizenship serves as a powerful incentive for potential migrants to enter the country unlawfully.

According to Trump, the current policies under President Joe Biden have led to an unprecedented influx of illegal border crossings, describing it as an “illegal foreign invasion.” He expressed concern that all the future children of these illegal immigrants would become automatic U.S. citizens, gaining access to welfare, taxpayer-funded healthcare, voting rights, chain migration, and various government benefits. Trump viewed this policy as a reward for breaking U.S. laws, attracting a massive number of illegal immigrants.

Trump emphasized that his proposed policy would address a significant incentive for continued illegal immigration, dissuade potential migrants, and encourage those who entered unlawfully to return to their home countries. He argued that the United States is among the few countries that grant automatic citizenship to children of non-citizen parents who enter the country unlawfully, claiming that this interpretation is based on historical misconceptions and a deliberate misinterpretation of the law by proponents of open borders.

In addition, Trump’s executive order would also target “birth tourism,” a practice where individuals from other countries seek to give birth in the United States to secure citizenship for their children. Trump stated that his order would require at least one parent to be either a U.S. citizen or a legal resident for the child to qualify for citizenship.



  1. Just empty talk. You can’t amend the Constitution by executive order, and the 14th Amendment clearly grants citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. except for children of foreign diplomats. I am sure people around Trump have told him that many times.

    • You can’t even amend the Constitution by statute. The 14th Amendment is a major reason there isn’t a huge refugee crisis like there is in the Middle East. Children of refugees there do not get citizenship and as a result there are now fourth generation refugees! 🙁

      • There is a way to amend the constitution. I believe it’s called a constitution convention. It’s also a part of the constitution.

    • And where is your outcry on the IRS stealing income tax from the American people over 100 years which is against the Constitution?

      Trump will iy”H officially return as the 19th President of the ORIGINAL American Republic according to the Constitution as before 1871 and all illegal laws since 1871 will be nullified. The the US will no longer be under the United States Corporation

  2. Of course, a Trump presidency is a one-termer. You might want to think six to eight years out.

    Grace challenges the vacant drive.

  3. Why won’t this swamp creature, Trump, reveal the truth about the JFK assassination?! What is the little coward so petrified of?!

    • We know the truth. It was Lee Harvey Oswald. If he didn’t act alone the only person who helped him was his wife. There has never been any evidence that anyone else was involved.

      It WAS a massive intelligence failure by the US government, caused by the excessive secrecy. The CIA knew that Oswald had recently visited Mexico City, at that time the greatest concentration of spies in the world, and boasted to anyone who would listen that he was going to shoot the President. The FBI, which is responsible for domestic counter terrorism, was not informed of this by the secrecy obsessed CIA. The FBI should have been in Oswald like White on Rice but he was not on it’s radar. It and the Secret Service were actually concerned that one of the huge number of far right extremists in the Dallas area would shoot the President; no evidence of any right wing plot has ever been found. Thankfully the far right back then was about talk and elections, not guns.

    • You are so BRAINWASHED against President Trump from fake news, it’s a shame! If you would know what Trump has been doing since 2017, you would daven for Hashem to continue giving him siyatta Dishmaya.

  4. It’s because of gullible dummies like you May 30 posters that they were able to fool the public with fake virus and poisonous shots.
    Trump, CIC, is working HARD for you and you have the chutzpah to talk against him.


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