United Synagogue Youth Eases Rule on Dating Non-Jews

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jewishUnited Synagogue Youth voted to relax its rules barring teenage board members from dating non-Jews.

The amendment was adopted Monday in Atlanta at the annual international convention of the Conservative movement’s youth group.

JTA reports that the USY board also elected not to adopt a controversial proposal to eliminate the organization’s requirement that teen board members be Sabbath observant.

The change on dating policy reflects where most young Conservative Jews are when it comes to dating outside the faith. Some four in 10 Conservative Jews who have married since 2000 have married non-Jews, according to the 2013 Pew Research Center survey of U.S. Jewry, and data suggest that most Conservative Jews date non-Jewish partners.

While dropping the prohibition against dating non-Jews, board members should “model healthy Jewish dating choices,” according to the newly adopted amendment. “These include recognizing the importance of dating within the Jewish community and treating each person with the recognition that they were created Betzelem Elohim (in the image of God).” Read more.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. If the person becomes a ger chassid, that is clearly a good thing. Maybe they should focus more on Not Marrying a non-jew. That would be more important.

    But without awareness of the cost of intermarriage, this is quite scary.

    Times are always handed to better hope.

  2. All these breakaway cults that call themselves part of Judaism will eventually disappear taking with them the innocent Jews who know nothing of Yiddishkeit, because they will all be lost to intermarriage/assimilation. That also includes the YCT and their ilk. Before the coming of Moshiach there will ‘birur’ taking place, exposing the real Jews from the mock ones. In the meantime, this latest garbage from the conservative movement is extremely disgusting.

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