Watch: 150 IDF Soldiers Making Siyumim On Various Mesechtos

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  1. Ofcourse! Join the army and you can finish mesechtos like these soldiers….The yetzer hara sometimes will even make you finish shas… long as you leave yeshiva and open the door to destroy all yeshivos. What a churban!

  2. Ofcourse! Join the army and you can finish mesechtos like these soldiers….The yetzer hara sometimes will even make you finish shas… long as you leave yeshiva and open the door to destroy all yeshivos. What a churban!

  3. would it please you all if they forgot all about their torah learning? would klal yisroel be better off if none of the soldiers showed that they knew Who was really fighting this war? some of my children were born in israel and would have been eligible to be drafted into the IDF. i never would have wanted them to serve in the army for every physical and spiritual reason. but i am still glad that there are those who know and appreciate Who is really taking vare of us/them

  4. Wow. I am so impressed that I’m going into my Rosh Yeshivas office tomorrow morning and telling him, I’m leaving Yeshiva and joining the IDF. There is no place to shteig like in the IDF.

  5. Thank you for posting. Seeing these soldiers accomplish all that learning is a big chizuk. With their intense schedule and being ridicule from the charedi population they still accomplish the yiras shamaim

  6. Why was there no Ezras Nashim for the women soldiers who certainly have a share in there boyfriends limud hatorah to take part ?

  7. it gives me -working yeshiva guy- chizuk (kick in the pants) that if they made a siyum with all their distractions, i should learn better too
    and shows these soldiers are not ch v throwing away yiddishkeit, but mechazek

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