Watch: Only in Israel: Security Ask Driver to Pick Up Eggs for Them

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Only in Israel: A chareidi driver was stopped at a checkpoint today and asked where he’s going. He explained that he’s going to buy eggs. The security personnel ask him if he can buy eggs for them as well.



  1. One hand on cigarette, other hand cell phone, with which he may be driving 10 seconds later.
    Don’t worry about smoke inhalation or dangerous driving, only about covid.

    • the typical Israeli driver has the cig in one hand, the phone in the other while drinking a coffee, oh and once in a while holding the steering wheel, more people die in Israel from car crashes the Covid 19

  2. I feel so bad, The officers didnt say one thing about ticket. This is a fake news quid-pro-qou.
    its a story of a man who LEGALLY went to purchase a necessity; eggs; the officers then asked if he can do them a favor too!! Out of the goodness of his heart he took the phone number to help out one of the great first responders.
    Thanks for reading!! I love Jews! I love Israel!! and ti the reader who read this, I Love You!
    A Gutteh Moed!
    Stay Strong!!
    HaShem Yaazor!!

  3. You see nowhere in this video that the driver deserved a ticket. There is a closer on certain neighborhoods with an exception for essential needs. Picking up eggs is considered an essential need. The security people were 100% legal. Asking the driver to pick up eggs for them is a very normal thing to do amongst warm Israelis.

  4. Cute video, Its just a joke video. Those aren’t actually police officers. They are city security (They cant give a moving violation ticket. (

  5. thats what makes klal yisrael so amazing the fact that some random security guard can ask a random driver to buy some eggs and he’ll do it for him even though he has no idea who he is
    am yisrael chai

  6. some american commenters here just see everything thru their own limited american mindset. — get out of ur box and try to shed your many american stuff and understand a different culture!!!!!

  7. sorry but these are not police officers as you can see the logo on their shirt. They work for the secuity wing of the municipality . they dont have the abilty to issue tickets .this video is a huge kiddush hashem


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