WATCH: Police Show Up To ‘Sheiners’ Shul To Ensure Social Distance Rules Are Being Upheld

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    • I ain’t care nothing about your sheriff. But I do care about the fools in our midst. Just too many. And you are one of them.

  1. As we are taught in Pirkei Avos, הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות, pray for the peace of the government, as the prophet Jeremiah, ירמיה כט:ז, instructed ודרשו את שלום העיר אשר הגליתי אתכם שמה והתפללו בעדה אל ה’ כי בשלומה יהיה לכם שלום, seek the peace of the city that I exiled you there, and pray for it to G-d, for with its peace you will have peace.

    • Agreed. The police need a warrant to enter someone’s private property. They can’t enter when they want, where they want because some loser in life maasered on them.

      • if a shul is registered as a non-profit that makes it a public building no? therefore it’s open to the public no?


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