Officials Demand ‘Heavy Hand’ Against Ma’ale Shomron Attackers

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ayala-shapiraMinisters, MKs, and community leaders expressed outrage at Thursday’s attack on a Ma’ale Shomron resident and his eleven year old daughter. Deputy director of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, said that all the resources of the Council are being thrown into the search for the culprits and into developing methods to prevent a repeat, Arutz Sheva reported.

“This was a serious attack. The ease on the strictures we have given terrorists has led to many attacks on our roads. It is illogical how we are letting them do this,” he said.

“No country in the world would tolerate this situation,” he continued. “We call on the Prime Minister to use a heavy hand against these monsters, despite what some hypocrites in the European Union would say. We support our soldiers and security forces at this difficult time.”

The victim, Avner Shapira and his 11 year old daughter Ayala were attacked by Arab terrorists who threw a firebomb at his vehicle Thursday night. The two suffered burns, but managed to escape from their burning vehicle. They were treated on the scene by Magen David Adom rescue workers and taken to a hospital in Kfar Sava. The girl is said to be in very serious condition by doctors.

Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) called on the army to retaliate to firebombs as it does to attacks from the Gaza Strip.

“Firebombs have one goal – to kill Jews,” he said in a statement, calling on the prime minister and army to respond with “severity and harshness.”

MK Nissan Slomiansky (Jewish Home) slammed the Left for its role in facilitating the attack. “When a little girl is hurt by a firebomb we should keep in mind who it was that prevented the transfer of funds to protect private vehicles and public transportation in Judea and Samaria, arguing about every shekel that was allocated. Throwing a rock or a firebomb is attempted murder,” he added. “There are many people who face terror every day. Residents of Judea and Samaria deserve security like everyone else in Israel.” Read more at Arutz Sheva.

{ Israel}


  1. Same garbage
    Their not afraid of heavy hands. They know the’ll be walking after the next prisoner release and their doing it ‘lishmah’


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