“Yarmulka” Makes it to Obama DNC Speech

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President Barack Obama spoke last night at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, slamming Donald Trump unabashedly.

No one would have thought that the word “yarmulka” would make it into his speech, but it did.

Obama was discussing his Kansas grandparents and the things they taught him when he was growing up. “My grandparents explained that they didn’t like show-offs. They didn’t admire braggarts or bullies. They didn’t respect mean-spiritedness, or folks who were always looking for shortcuts in life. Instead, they valued traits like honesty and hard work. Kindness and courtesy. Humility; responsibility; helping each other out. That’s what they believed in. True things. Things that last. The things we try to teach our kids.”

Obama went on to say that what his grandparents understood “was that these values weren’t limited to Kansas. They weren’t limited to small towns. These values could travel to Hawaii; even the other side of the world, where my mother would end up working to help poor women get a better life. They knew these values weren’t reserved for one race; they could be passed down to a half-Kenyan grandson, or a half-Asian granddaughter; in fact, they were the same values Michelle’s parents, the descendants of slaves, taught their own kids living in a bungalow on the South Side of Chicago. They knew these values were exactly what drew immigrants here, and they believed that the children of those immigrants were just as American as their own, whether they wore a cowboy hat or a yarmulka; a baseball cap or a hijab.”

So there you have it.

The yarmulka.

It made it to the DNC.

Mazel tov.

{CB Frommer-Matzav.com}


  1. All these little words he says don’t mean a thing. Most people don’t even realize how evil this man is and how much damage he has done to this country and to the world at large.

  2. Moichel the ‘kavod’.

    Thanks, but I will pass on such symbolism.

    Better to have tznius and substance than publicity and symbolism.

  3. He learned the word from Lipa. Remember this past Chanukah, Lipa was an invited guest at the White House Menorah lighting and Lipa told the president that he will make for him a gold plated yamulka. In the end he made the president something a little different then gold plated but a yamulka just the same..

  4. Interesting. Secular garb or religious garb. Twice. Seems like he felt the need to emphasize that you don’t need religion to have values. Easy to say but the reality is…

  5. He sat for 20 years in front of an anti-semitic preacher and never thought of walking out on the rhetoric that flew in the face of the lessons he heard in Kansas.

  6. I was listening and when he said Yarmulka there was a smattering of claps but for the Hijab there was a wild applause.

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