Abbas Wants Biden To Revoke American Recognition Of Yerushalayim, Move Embassy Back To Tel Aviv

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Palestinian Authority senior adviser Nabil Shaath told Yisrael Hayom that PA President Abbas would ask Biden to revoke American recognition of Yerushalayim’s status and move the embassy back to Tel Aviv. He said the PA is willing to resume U.S.-brokered peace talks with Israel from the point at which they broke off in 2016 under the Obama administration.
Another senior advisor to Abbas recalled that “Biden was also Obama’s vice president when Abbas didn’t bother to respond to the proposal that Obama sent to both sides for new negotiations before the end of his second term, and Biden was the one who tried to reconcile between Abbas and Obama, who was very offended when Abbas ignored him.”
{ Israel News Bureau}


  1. Two weeks ago Matzav published the headline “Lod Rabbi Who Has Called Elections Correctly for Years Predicts Trump Victory”. He said he found out it in the Toijreh. He should stop pretending tthat he knows hings that NO human knows in advance, to guess is something else. It is a typical Chilull HaShem when a person pretends to know what HaShem has decieded.

    • What’s the chillul Hashem? He was always right and this year he will be’ez”H also be right. He doesn’t guess it, he knows it from the Torah. A Torah giant with yiras Shamayim can know, just like gedolei yisroel know it too. Who is fake news to proclaim that the one who had hoarded billions of fraudulent votes is the winner?

  2. The Trump administration refused to play dress-up with the Biden-Kamala campaign.

    The GSA will NOT be funding a “Biden Transition Team” in the near future until ALL THE LEGAL BALLOTS are counted.!

    Sorry kids.

    The federal government General Services Administration has declined to provide funding to the Biden campaign’s transition team as President Donald Trump contests the results of the 2020 election.

    “An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” GSA spokeswoman Pamela Pennington said in a Sunday statement.

    Congress allocated $9.9 million to the agency in February to assist with transition activities, which includes the provision of office space, equipment, and background investigations for incoming personnel. The agency historically moves within a day of the election, which took place on November 3 this year.


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