The Matzav Shmoooze: Visiting Day Blues

Dear [email protected], On the issue of visiting day in summer camps, for the most part, the men have been in favor of abolishing visiting day,...

The New Shidduch Crisis: Tall Girls

Dear Editor, According to my research, there are numerous tall girls who have very minimal shidduch prospects, as there are an insufficient number of...

Matzav Inbox: I Wish I Was Adirei HaTorah. All I Am is a Stupid...

Dear Editor@Matzav, I saw your stories and pictures and videos from the Adirei HaTorah and really enjoyed them all. However, I feel compelled to share the...

Readers’ Matzav: Playing With My Emotions in Shidduchim

Dear Matzav Editor, I apologize for writing about shidduchim. I know all of you have probably had enough of the topic, but for people like...

Traffic in Lakewood Causing People to Lose Parnassah

Dear Editor, Overall, the traffic in Lakewood, NJ, and surrounding areas is terrible. Thinking of moving from New York? Don't. You're joining a parking lot. Stay...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Please Stop the Leitzanus

Dear Editor, Please do not post any comments or blogs. All they are filled with is mockery of everything a Torah true Jew holds...

The Matzav Shmoooze: When Will Parents Wake Up?

Dear readers, This afternoon, a young boy, I would speculate under the age of 8, stopped by my home. He knocked so lightly that you...

MATZAV SHMOOZE: I Need To Know: What Would You Do?

Dear Matzav Shmooze, A few weeks ago Ira Zlotowitz used social media to get advice on a workplace issue. It just so happens that I...

The Matzav Shmoooze: The Bracha on Pizza

Dear Editor, reported a few days ago about a pizza study conducted by the USDA. One person saw this and realized that there may...

MATZAV INBOX: With Salaries Like These, I’m Done Teaching

Dear [email protected], It's time we say enough! I am a teacher with many years experience, boruch Hashem. I have seen much success in the field. I...

The Spiritual Shidduch Crisis

By Yoel Small More and more Americans are choosing not to marry. The percentage of never married Americans over the age of 25 has more...

The Matzav Shmoooze: A Machaah Against A Bizayon

Dear Readers, If you had a meeting with the President would you text on your phone while talking to him? Definitely not when talking...

Matzav Shmooze: Where’s The Investigation Into Our Gemora Learning?

Dear Matzav Shmooze,  Everyone is talking about the new regulations in New York that want to enforce 7 hours of secular studies in our cheders....

The Matzav Shmoooze: No Diploma for You

Dear Matzav Editor, I am in tears for a friend of mine. Her daughter is a twelfth grader at Girls School located in . They...

Readers’ Matzav: The Office Environment

Dear [email protected], I work in a frum office in a vibrant frum community, and I am appalled at the abuse that goes on. We are all kollel wives,...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Don’t Say Cheese and Violate Halacha

Dear Matzav, I am writing this letter to about a matter that I have yet to see addressed: the prevalence of pictures of chassanim...

Anti-Semitism Alive and Well in Lakewood — Even in a World Crisis

By Judi Franco, 101.5 FM If you’re tired of hearing me defend Lakewood Jews, imagine how tired I am of having to do it. But...

ALERT: Gypsy Men in Lakewood Try to Scam People to Fix the Dents on...

Dear Editor, There are two gypsy men driving around Lakewood, NJ, scamming people to “fix” their dents and scratches on their cars. I have witnessed this...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Bring Back Dr. Baxi

Dear fellow Yidden (from Lakewood, Brooklyn, Monsey, Williamsburg, Monroe and beyond) who have been affected by the following recent upheaval: Many women experience...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Unkosher Video

Dear Editor, A Doritos ad? With a flying pig? This we need to see? On a "Jewish news" site, readers expect to see some Jewish connection...

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