Rabbi Yehuda Gerami, chief rabbi of the Iranian Jewish community, was asked to give an interview to the official television station of the regime in Tehran and express his views on Israel.
The interview took place during the last Friday of Ramadan, known as Al-Quds Day, which is traditionally devoted to anti-Israeli incitement.
“We Iranian Jews want to send this message to Zionists and primarily to [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu. Know that you Zionists do not represent Judaism and do not represent the Jewish people. You represent only the idea of a political movement whose ideas and values run counter to the ideas and values of our sacred teachings and Jewish religion,” Rabbi Gerami said.
Read more at Arutz Sheva.
I hope everyone realized it was the only way to save his life
well put. let the people of iran understand what they want to understand. klal yisroel knows what his message really means
“We Iranian Jews want to send this message to Zionists and primarily to [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu. Know that you Zionists do not represent Judaism and do not represent the Jewish people. You represent only the idea of a political movement whose ideas and values run counter to the ideas and values of our sacred teachings and Jewish religion,”
I give him tremendous credit
Firstly for agreeing to be the chief rabbi of Iran (Rabbi Gerami is a Ner Yisroel Talmid who had no reason to move back to Iran other than Harbotzas Torah)
Secondly for saying a forced statement against Israel that doesn’t in any way endanger it
This statement above has nothing to do with the Israeli- Palestinian geopolitical conflict.
Iran has no issue with Zionism not representing Torah or worldwide Jewry and has no reason to fight with Israel over it.There are a lot more secular countries out there.
I think many of your viewers agree with that statement, but would not say it on live TV as it would not be understood.
In any case, of course he has no freedom of speech. Why is this newsworthy?
Poor fellow,
He’s stuck with a tough job
What you don’t see in the video, is a soldier from the Iranian army pointing a gun at his head from the other side of the room.
the story goes that the Soviets once sent a delegation to the US and they had one of the Rabbonim from Moscow join the trip to New York and they visited Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l and Rav Moshe said if they tell to say such and such he will say it and if not then he won’t…
Hey Loved could you please repeat that story in a clearer fashion, I don’t get it.
Well, he’s saying the truth, whether he has an Iranian pointing a gun at him or not. The fact is – you cannot deny – that the Zionists indeed do NOT represent Judaism and do not represent the Jewish people. How many Jews have the Zionist Mossad murdered, kidnapped and sold to non-Jews, and how many Jews have they turned secular and against the Torah? He’s saying exactly what all chareidi Jews have wanted to say since the existence of Zionism but mainstream fake news would not allow it to be voiced publicly.
It was not very long ago that Iran locked up 12 Jews In Iran some of them Rabbis who returned to Their Native Country in Iran to teach Torah to the community and the Children they were arrested for “Spying for Israel
They were locked up for more than a year in Very Harsh conditions with Torture and were facing the Death Penalty..in the end due to Tremendous international Pressure and Intervention by Askonim they were released and many are still scarred for Life with Nightmares psychological and Physical problems…in the early days of the Iran Revolution and even after that Jews in Iran were Hanged for alleged Treason and spying for Israel …so this Rabbi Knows exactly what he is doing to keep himself and his community Safe …right now there is a lot of Tension between Iran and the Western World
.and of course Israel as usual gets placed In the middle of this all
Well, all this doesn’t take away from the facts this rabbi is pointing out. He’s saying what all the Gedolim of the previous generations were saying. Regardless of if the Iranians are right or wrong.
Hashem will honor Israel. This man has more to work. A world he can not fix. He is not kosher.