Judge To Flynn: ‘Arguably, You Sold Your Country Out’

Michael Flynn, seen above during a press briefing on Feb. 1, 2017, was the Trump administration's National Security Adviser and became the second former aide to President Donald Trump to cooperate with the inquiry led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Jabin Botsford
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The judge at former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing hearing has given the former Trump Cabinet member a scolding, saying that lying to the FBI is a “very serious offense.”

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan also said Flynn arguably sold his country out.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the national security adviser to the president of the United States,” he said. “Arguably, that undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably, you sold your country out.”

“I’m not hiding my disgust, my distain, for this criminal offense,” he continued.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Because he wasn’t part of the Uranium One deal, the sale of 20% of our uranium which Hillary gave the Russians to build more nukes aimed at the US and he wasn’t paid $17 Million dollars for it like Mueller received? But these criminals are not even investigated.

  2. Let’s see what Wikipedia tells of Flynn. Originally a registered Democrat, he accepted his position with Trump on 18 November 2016 (he could not take office until Trump would be inaugurated). Flynn resigned 13 February 2017. In that period he had phone contact with Russia (clearly on behalf of the in-coming administration). On 04 January 2017 he advised the in-coming administration that he was under investigation for having been previously involved with Turkey. A few days later (before Trump inauguration) he advised Trump (who by now must have known about Turkey, as Flynn had already told them) not to use Kurds to invade Raqqah (Syria), as this was also Turkey’s position on the matter.

    From that summary I find it hard to understand just what was wrong with the relevant brief period that he was with Trump.

    But Wikipedia also has an entry on a judge named Emmet G. Sullivan. Seems he presided over the 2008 trial of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens – a Republican – who was found guilty of some alleged ethics violations. The judge refused to grant a mistrial after serious prosecutorial misconduct was shown. The Republican senator then LOST his election just 8 days later, on a narrow margin. But as evidence continued to mount against the prosecution, the judge was forced to save face by at least admonishing the prosecutors. In April 2009, after more Justice department probes (and this was under Obama by this time) the Justice Department itself asked the judge to dismiss the original conviction and further investigation was ordered against the prosecutors. One of the prosecutors under this cloud committed suicide.

    And Sullivan was not the original judge in the Flynn case. The original judge Contreras recused himself and the case was transferred “randomly” to Sullivan. This is also the same Sullivan whop ordered a plane carrying deportees to turn around and bring them back.

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