No One Asked YOU! Bumbling Biden Rolls Out Plan To Combat Coronavirus

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Former Vice President Joe Biden rolled out his plan to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus on Thursday as it rapidly spreads throughout the United States.

Biden’s plan calls for a number of measures, including the establishment of an effective national response to the virus through making testing free and widely available, as well as the establishment of 10 mobile sites and drive-thru facilities per state.

The former vice president also called on greater transparency from the White House in terms of how many individuals have been tested.

Biden announced the plan during an address in Wilmington, Del., less than 24 hours after President Trump addressed the nation about the outbreak.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Wow. I love this guy. He shows such true leadership. He’s a born leader. He speaks and exudes such confidence. Joe is even better than President Obama, if I may say so. See, he’s already taking charge even though he wasn’t sworn in yet. What a leader.

  2. go to ukraine. Love it? go to china. Joe your son will is familiar with both of them. He’ll get you settled in. He might even get you a job with no interview. (don’t even start imagining the dollar amount of this do nothing say nothing just relax at home job).

  3. All clones and doubles will be’ez”H be gone by Pesach together with the criminal elites who were coronaed and the world will become a nicer place to live in, hopefully with the coming of Moshiach.

  4. He’s talking about transparency? Obama’s administration was the least transparent about anything including sending pallets of cash to Iran the lies about lying etc. need I say more?

  5. The 65,844,954 people (and more) who are going to be voting for him in November asked him.
    We thank him for showing real leadership and preparing us for a real president and not a joke who uses twitter like he was an angry 5 year old.

  6. Who is this nut-case going to choose as his running mate? That is a very important decision. Whomever the VP is going to be, is essentially going to be the President, if G-d forbid this lunatic actually wins.

  7. Not bumbling. He has been talking sense on coronavirus since January. Had he been elected in 2016 rather than Trump we would not be facing the current situation. Trump’s response is being led by political hacks not epidemiologists.

    Biden will defeat Trump in November and return America to decency and competence.

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