Study: Frum Jews Show Less Stress-Related Weight Gain

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Research has shown that when a person turns to religion during a time of stress, it improves his psychological well-being. Now, a new study has found that religion can also provide protection against weight gain.

“Generally, being in touch with your values during a crisis like COVID helps you cope with stress in a way that mitigates the impact of that stress on weight gain,” explained Aaron Cherniak, a co-author of the study published by the Journal of Religion and Health.

Another co-author, Steven Pirutinsky, said that following the tenets of one’s faith requires self-control and self-regulation – which in turn may increase one’s ability to control diet and weight gain.

“The study suggests that alternative forms of coping can help limit snacking,” Pirutinsky said in an email interview. “In particular, religious sources of support and coping.”

Read more at Forward.



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