THE INSANITY CONTINUES: Two Masks Now Required To Enter Manhattan Federal Court Buildings

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Visitors to Manhattan federal court and other buildings in the Southern District of New York are now required to either wear two face masks or an FDA-approved N95 mask.

The double-mask requirement was included in the federal court district’s COVID-19 “phased re-entry plan” released on Feb. 11.

“You are required to wear either: (i) one disposable mask underneath a cloth mask
with the edges of the inner mask pushed against your face; or (ii) a properly fitted, FDA-authorized KN95 (or N95) mask,” the text of the plan states.

“Gaiters, bandannas, or masks with valves/vents are not acceptable face coverings. If you do not have the approved mask(s), a screener will provide one. No one will be admitted without the proper mask(s),” it adds.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. It would be nice to finally solve the problem, rather than mask the problem, but whatever it takes to stay safe I guess I’m in – 2 masks, whatever. I’m also guessing that dressing up in masks this Purim will be a little less intriguing than in previous years. Also, on previous Purims, some people would take a couple of shots of whiskey; this year a couple of shots of Pfizer. On previous purims, people gathered together to drink, this year all drinking will be done remotely, and if you don’t like the inebriated guest, you can simply boot him from your video conference. Previous purims, if someone regurgitated, it ended up on your carpet, this year, it will end up the computer screen.

    • Mr. Tuvia Maskowitz: All sincere people who truly love Hashem and His wonderful world and especially His wonderful creation of people in His world, most absolutely want to see this Covid problem very quickly finally solved and over with. The Emes – the truth is that there actually ARE — right now — many great cures for the disease, which numerous doctors in several parts of the world have employed with thousands of patients with, Boruch Hashem, very brilliant results. Many of these are techniques & remedies from the fields of Natural Healing; for just a few examples: the famous nutrients Vitamin C & Vitamin D, the nutrient Quercetin, the mineral Zinc, and the anti-infection agent Colloidal Silver. There are also a number of “older” pharmaceutical drugs; probably the most well-known of them is the very old Malaria drug called “Hydroxychloroquine” (abbreviated “HCQ”). It needs to be given together with the mineral Zinc, for the way that it works is that it helps Zinc go into the patient’s cells where the Zinc then stops the virus.

    • The reason why you, and countless other people, are not even aware of these many remedies is because the numerous government & health officials who are “running the show,” DO NOT WANT YOU OR ANYONE ELSE to know about them!! With the natural items, that is already an extremely old story of over a century ago: that for almost all of human history, medical treatments were various natural healing techniques utilizing naturally occurring herbs & minerals. Around the early 1900’s though, certain exceedingly prominent and powerful economic people were able to gain influence over and manipulate the medical profession to move away from the old natural methods to the “new” “modern” methods of synthetically produced chemical pharmaceutical agents. This was very heavily promoted as being the “new” “modern” way of medicine and the future and the salvation of mankind. And the old natural ways were disposed of as being just that: “old,” “old-fashioned,” “primitive,” and “voodoo-medicine.” (Despite all that, the Emes – the truth cannot be squelched for long, and, Boruch Hashem, especially in recent years, the old natural ways have had tremendous, brilliant comebacks, bringing wonderful healing relief to countless people.)

      Regarding Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other older pharmaceutical drugs, as they are quite “old,” that means that the legal patents on them have long expired, and thus their costs are relatively quite low. So, the pharmaceutical corporations and the numerous government & health officials involved with the industry stand to make very little $$$$$ from the sale of these old drugs. They greatly need instead for there to be massive sales of brand new extremely expensive drugs and, especially, brand new extremely, extremely, extremely expensive VACCINES from which they will get extremely, extremely BIG $$$$$$$$

      Furthermore with HCQ, as having heard the good reports of it, President Trump strongly promoted it, in their excessive violent hatred of him, they certainly had to discredit and knock down “his Hydroxychloroquine” too.

      So, especially with HCQ, they initiated a vehement vendetta against it, strictly prohibiting it for Covid and threatening jail for any doctor who used it. To attempt to counteract the numerous reports of its great success against Covid, they published in two prestigious medical journals an outright fabricated report — which the magazines were later forced to retract — of the drug (supposedly) causing heart injury & death. They further did conduct actual tests of the drug with patients, IN WHICH they gave the patients HORRENDOUS SEVERELY DEADLY OVERDOSES of the drug. When, of course, the patients soon died, they falsely paraded that as “proof” that the drug is “dangerous” and “kills.”

    • That they have continuously falsely suppressed and discounted and eliminated the numerous items that in truth are such wonderful solutions to the Covid problem, and thus, with those many good cures NOT available, countless thousands of Covid sufferers painfully died, GLARINGLY SHOWS that these officials ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT INTERESTED AT ALL in “protecting” anyone’s health or in “saving” anyone’s life!! They obviously have many “other” totally different considerations and priorities in their intentions.

      So we need to realize the surprising and painful realization, that the “responses” that they have enacted to the crises: the endless Lockdowns, the increasing mask-wearing-mandates, and the Holy, Holy, Holy Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines, are ABSOLUTELY NOT intended to “protect” or “save” us and are absolutely not GOING to “protect” or “save” us!!

      For people to be truly “protected” and “saved” from harmful infectious diseases, they have to have good healthy physiology with, specifically, good healthy immunity. One of the crucial ways that people have good health IS by being fully active with going outside and breathing fresh air and getting good exercise with walking around and going to Botei Midrashim and, L’Havdil, schools and offices and businesses and engaging in productive endeavors and feeling feelings of, Boruch Hashem, accomplishment, and having good monetary incomes and thus purchasing and eating good clean truly nutritious nourishing foods and having good solid homes to live in.


      Yes, during all the Lockdowns, there were sharp increases of domestic violence and even outright suicides, Rachmana Litzlan!!!!!!!!!

    • For people to keep tightly-fitting-over-the-nose-&-mouth-masks continually on and thus for hour after hour after hour keep breathing back in and sucking back in their own exhaled germs & carbon dioxide and sharply cutting their desperately needed proper intake of fresh oxygen, IS SEVERELY HARMFUL to their physiology and immunity!!!!!!!!!

      The new vaccines for Covid are totally different from all previous vaccines, as they employ a totally new, never used before, highly complex mechanism that actually changes around the patient’s DNA essence. This whole new greatly complicated convoluted contraption — with which many, many parts of it could easily go VERY, VERY WRONG — was NOT properly tested; on the contrary, several of the most crucial testing phases were omitted!! In tests that were done, many harmful reactions were already observed.

      It is therefore completely understandable that a majority of people surveyed replied that they would decline taking it, and many people, who are strongly PRO-Vaccinations and give themselves and their children “all the shots,” stated that “this (Covid) one” they would not touch with a 100 foot pole!!

      In just the barely two months since it has been introduced, there have already been reported huge numbers of terrible reactions — including many thousands who NOW (AFTER the vaccine) got the Covid disease — and well over a thousand people who actually died.

  2. Yep, almost every other month or every other week or even every other day, they keep changing the rules!! And, obviously, it is NEVER going to end!! As many ultra-conservative alternative news commentators point out, according to this logic that “two are better than one,” then “three are better than two”!! And, “four are better than three,” and “five are better than four”!! So, there will never be “enough,” for, no matter how many you use, “one more” will always be “better”!!

  3. (Continuation of My Remark)

    It was not that long ago — around the beginning of the pandemic crises — that they emphatically told us that we should NOT wear any masks!! Then, as we well saw, later on, over these last several months, not only did we HAVE TO wear masks, if a policeman caught someone without one, he or she was given a stiff $$$ fine and, in many instances, was cruelly beaten and arrested and put in jail!! And now, it is TWO masks that we have to wear!! And, as I pointed out above, in another few weeks, it will likely be THREE masks or even four!!

    We all well remember how they instructed us to “Stay-In-Place” and “Lockdown” — just for “three weeks”; yes, they needed three weeks just to “stop the spread” (of the disease) and to “flatten the curve.” Then though, the “three weeks” turned into six weeks and nine weeks and twelve weeks; the “three weeks” soon became “three MONTHS”!! By now, there have been MANY repeated Lockouts of “three weeks” and “three months,” and pretty soon, it will be “three years” and even “three HUNDRED years”!!

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