Today: Car Seat Check Event in Lakewood

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Today’s car seat check event in Ocean County Park is an absolute must for any parent who cares about the safety of their young ones.

We tend to take for granted every time we get into a car that we will arrive at our destination safely. Unfortunately, though, we have all heard stories of tragic accidents where the outcome was not so simple. And we have all heard of accidents whose tragedy could have been mitigated if the occupants of the vehicle would have been properly restrained. When we consider the fact that our children are our most priceless assets, that they are vulnerable and dependent on us to keep them safe and protected, shouldn’t we do everything in our power to make sure they are safely restrained every time we get into the car?

You would think so, except that studies have shown that only 5% of car seats and their occupants are perfectly installed and secured. That means a mindblowing 95% of the population is driving their precious cargo not optimally secured. The author of the study, Dr. Benjamin Hoffman takes some of the blame off the parents and says that many car seats are not properly installed because they can be complicated, with the manual hard to understand.

That still doesn’t absolve us from the responsibility to make sure our children are as safe as possible, and when it comes to car seats that can mean the difference between life and ch”v death. If car seats are too complicated to figure out on our own, we must get them checked out by a professional. The Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch is answering that need by partnering with the Lakewood Police Department and Ocean County Sheriff’s Office to have professional certified car seat technicians check your car seats to make sure they are properly installed.

The car seat check event will take place at Ocean County Park (Rockefeller) this tomorrow, Friday, July   13th from 12:00 – 3:00 pm. Cars will be checked on a first come first serve basis and take approximately half hour each.

You owe it to your children who are relying on you to keep them safe!


  1. If 95% aren’t installing or seating their precious children properly, that means that it’s not being explained properly. It shouldn’t be rocket science.


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