Watch: Democrats Say Trump’s Georgia Call Is Impeachable

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  1. It certainly is, but as Trump won’t be President in 16 days, Democrats are unlikely to pursue this. Trump has more to fear from a Georgia grand jury.

  2. Yes. I’ve spoken to the whistleblower. I am willing to lie again. Anything to have Trump thrown in prison. The American taxpayers are so stupid, they would never know the difference.

  3. Certainly impeachable, but not much point in impeaching him when he will be out of office in two weeks anyway. But it also opens him up for more criminal prosecution after he leaves office, on top of all his other crimes.

    • So should we start an investigation into Hunter Biden? The voters want to know if his criminal activities reached the level of treason.

  4. 100% correct!! if ukranian call was impeccable er I mean impeachable so was this call!! thus sayeth the murderous libtard demonrats!!!


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