Orthodox Jewish woman from Flatbush, Gina Levy, made history Thursday by being nominated at the Kings County Democratic judicial convention for New York State Supreme Court Justice. She would fill the spot of Judge R’ Noach Dear.
Orthodox Jewish woman from Flatbush, Gina Levy, made history Thursday by being nominated at the Kings County Democratic judicial convention for New York State Supreme Court Justice. She would fill the spot of Judge R’ Noach Dear.
Who cares if she is a woman. Am Yisroel never had the idiotic antagonism between men and women, and there’s no need to import goyishe ideologies such as feminism. What matters is if she is going to represent the frum community’s interests or her own.
It is relevant to point out because women typically have responsibilities at home that they have to juggle in addition to any work they do in the workplace.
12:34, ah?! What difference does it make to Am Yisroel in general and to NY’s frum community in particular if she is a “first woman”?
I hope she makes a Kiddush Hashem.