Important Notice Regarding Covid-19 Treatment Over Shabbos and Yom Tov
Be’ezras Hashem, we now have monoclonal antibodies available, which have been shown to highly reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid-19.
If you are Covid-19 positive or have Covid-19 symptoms with any the following:
- Overweight (BMI 35+)
- Chronic kidney disease
- Immunosuppressive disease
- Immunosuppressive treatment
- Diabetes
- Pregnant in second or third trimester
55 years of age or older with:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Asthma
- Chronic respiratory disease
65 Years of Age or older
Other medical conditions or high-risk conditions
Call the Covid-19 treatment 24/7 hotline at 828.4.Plasma (828.475.2762) even on Shabbos or Yom Tov with a shinui to set up treatment. A gentile should be used for transportation (we can assist with setting that up) to and from treatment.
Call the hotline if you have risk factors. Do not delay, as this may be a matter of pikuach nefesh. Early treatment is vital!
Chag kosher vesomeiach.