Report: Arrogant Weiner Not Going Away

Officially out of office for less than a week, Anthony Weiner is seeking to play a role in choosing his successor, the New York...

Today’s Yahrtzeits and History – 7 Cheshvan

Rav Yehuda Meir Shapiro of Lublin (1887-1933). His father, Rav Yaakov Shimshon Katz of Shatz, Romania, was a descendent of Rav Pinchas Koretz, a...

New Research Finds Most People are Miserable on Tuesdays

Hearing that alarm go off first thing on Monday morning is totally depressing, almost as bad for morale as when we stopped getting carded...

High Profile Knesset Visit to Har Hazeisim Pushes Agenda on Policing, Tougher Laws Against...

The ongoing rock throwing by Arab thugs in East Jerusalem, including on the approaches to Har Hazeisim, was the subject of heated exchanges...

WATCH: Meet The Sailor In Prison For Mishandling Classified Info, While Hillary Has Gotten...

Kathleen Saucier, mother of Kristian Saucier, shares her son's story on 'Hannity.' WATCH: {}

Pompeo: All US Diplomats Have Left Venezuela As Crisis Deepens

The last remaining U.S. diplomats in Caracas shuttered the embassy and left Venezuela on Thursday, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said they will...

Sergeant Major Elkana Newlander Killed In Battle In Gaza

The municipality of Efrat conveyed the somber news this evening of the tragic death of Sergeant Major Elkana Newlander in battle in the Gaza...

Paris Attack Suspect’s DNA Found in Raid

Prosecutors confirm that DNA from an apartment raided by Belgian police is from Salah Abdeslam, one of the fugitives suspected of planning the November...

Israel Cybersecurity Tech Helps Catch Online Crooks

NatWest, one of the largest banks in the UK, has deployed Israel's BioCatch technology to prevent online fraud and protect its customers, reports Shoshanna...

Netanyahu Ready To ‘Consider’ US Proposal On Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Prime Minister Netanyahu said Sunday he is ready to "consider" the forthcoming US peace plan to resolve the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "We will consider the...

NJ Teacher To Pay $22K Fine For Phone Call Made During Class

Her lawyer says a New Jersey teacher won't appeal a $22,000 fine for making a four-minute personal call in class. Attorney Stephen Hunter says...

Gathering for 45th Yahrtzeit of Harav Avrohom Kalmanowitz zt”l

This evening, a gathering for the 45th yahrtzeit of Harav Avrohom Kalmanowitz zt"l, the rov of Tiktin, the founder and rosh hayeshiva of the...

Obama Signs Bill Giving Him Armed Protection For Life

Despite launching a gun control agenda that threatens to disarm the American people, President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed...

Jared Kushner Forms New Group To Build On Peace Initiatives Enshrined In Abraham Accords

Jared Kushner, a senior advisor under former President Donald Trump's administration, will launch a new peace initiative to build on the success of the...

Obama Heckled By GOP During Speech: ‘You Lie!’

Democrats and Republicans alike are denouncing Rep. Joe Wilson for shouting "You lie" at President Barack Obama during his speech to Congress, an extraordinary...

Cleveland Cops Agree to Shoot Less

As part of a settlement with the Justice Department, the Cleveland Police Department agreed Tuesday to some of the country’s most stringent standards governing...

UK PM Releases Taxes After Panama Papers

A day after admitting he mishandled the Panama Papers fallout, British Prime Minister David Cameron released his tax records from the past six years...

Lakewood Board Plans to Use Stimulus Funds for Preschool

The Asbury Park Press reports: Some tax watchdogs have come out against the Board of Education's plan to use federal money to expand the...

Jewish Family In Brooklyn Threatened

A family in the Midwood section of Brooklyn received a threatening, anti-Semitic phone call late Sunday, according to Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) who spoke...

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