Owner Of Eskimo Pie Ice Cream To Change Its ‘Derogatory’ Name

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The owner of Eskimo Pie is changing its name and marketing of the nearly century-old chocolate-covered ice cream bar, the latest brand to reckon with racially charged logos and marketing.

“We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognize the term is derogatory,” said Elizabell Marquez, head of marketing for its parent Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, the U.S. subsidiary for Froneri, in a statement. “This move is part of a larger review to ensure our company and brands reflect our people values.”

Eskimo Pie joins a growing list of brands, such as Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth and Uncle Ben, that are rethinking their marketing in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in recent weeks triggered by the death of George Floyd.

Read more at ABC News.



    • “Chalav Yisrael” is such a racist term. Better to brand it as, “The Supervised Cow.”

    • “Chalav Yisrael” is such a racist term. Better to brand it as, “Udderly Kosher.”

  1. are they going to do away with chocolate syrup, too? they are doing away with eskimo bars to reflect people’s values? oh, i get it–black lives matter and only black values matter! wake up, everyone–hershy bars are not long for this world

  2. Eskimo Pie, Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima’s changes are examples of the neurological damage that Covid-19 – a so-called “virus” that no doctor would dare describe (as it would wake up the sleepers who’ll realize it’s the common cold and will burn their masks instantly) – has caused.

    • Good! I don’t want neurological damage and stay away from the virus. I also have no problem with wearing a mask because I am not infected. You can continue catching the “common cold”, if you think that’s intelligent. Enjoy your runny noses!!

      • Hope you have enough masks for you and your family to last a lifetime. You can buy them by the case in Alibaba for cheap. Throw away your tissues that clog up your house because you will never have a cold again. After all, coronavirus neutralized all colds and other illness and infections.

        One question. What will you do when the coronavirus fairy tale will be thrown into the dustbin of history when the invisible enemy – as President Trump calls the coronavirus – will be annihilated?

  3. How about any place that has the gall to offer ITALIAN pizza, or French salad dressing, or American burgers.
    For goodness sake!

  4. The Quaker folks are quaking in their Quaker made boots! They may not have oats by the end of the month! Oy vey!

  5. I think the brand “Mr. Clean” is derogatory and demeaning!
    I’m not sure yet how. But i’ll think of something…..

    • its got a picture of a white bald man! its obviously pushing the idea that only white men with no hair are superior and are the only people with good hygiene and cleanliness

  6. So let me get this straight:
    BLM, Antifa and protests have led to…
    the abolishing of all people of color and ethnicity other than “white” from pop culture and popular brands?
    And that’s progress how, exactly?

  7. Eskimo Pie

    I met a cold treat
    A long time ago
    It was dark and so sweet
    And inside white as snow

    And every late Spring
    Through the hot days of Summer
    Of cold ice cream we’d sing
    But not now; what a bummer

    The mob’s now decided
    That this treat’s name is foul
    And inflamed (though misguided)
    Started an outraged howl

    So bye, bye, good old Eskimo Pie
    To call you racist is so baseless it’s an out-and-out lie
    But the PC crowd is so scary and loud, you’ll be shut down by the end of July

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