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The Matzav Shmooze

Readers’ Matzav: It’s Time to Put Kiruv On Ice

Dear Matzav.com Editor, I think that one of the things that has to change in "The New Normal" (and a recent Matzav.com post alluded to...

Matzav Shmooze: I’m An “Anti Vaxxer” – Here’s My Question To YOU

Dear Matzav Shmooze, I am what people have been calling an "anti vaxxer." Ever since the outbreak of measles my family has been subjected to...

Readers’ Matzav: A Crying Bas Yisroel in Shidduchim

Dear Matzav.com Editor I write these words with a broken heart. I am sure they are echoed by thousands of girls out there, and each...

Readers’ Matzav: Contemplating Suicide

Dear Matzav Editor, "Frum Man Jumps to His Death Over Finances." That headline isn't a real one - yet. But it may be soon. I am...

A COLLAPSING SYSTEM: A Conversation with Shadchan Mimi Levitin About the Absurd Shidduch Demands...

A COLLAPSING SYSTEM: A Conversation with Shadchan Mimi Levitin About the Absurd Shidduch Demands of Parents of Boys in Eretz Yisroel Interview by David Lichtenstein LISTEN...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Let Them Smoke

Dear Editor, Assur assur assur. That's what we tell our youth. You can't do this and you can't do that. Not all people say that,...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Why Did You Post the Rebbetzin’s Picture?

Dear Editor, First of all, thank you for your spectacular website. On Motzoei Yom Tov, I was distressed to see the news about Rebbetzin Batsheva...

Why I Am No Longer Frum

Dear Editor and readers, Several years ago, I moved to Brooklyn from an out of town community for the purpose of shidduchim. As a...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Why Solving the Shidduch Crisis With the Age Gap Misses the...

Dear Editor, With all due respect, the recent discussion here about shidduchim is sorely lacking, because there is a serious flaw in the scaling calculation...

Matzav Shmooze: Who Will Stand Up For The Kavod Of Bnos Yisroel?

Dear Matzav Shmooze, I have spent the past week crying on and off and I don't know if I will ever get over the embarrassment...

The Matzav Shmoooze: What Will Be With Us, Bochurim?

Dear Editor, I write this letter as an insider. Not from what I hear from others. But as a bochur experiencing what I write. I am...

The Matzav Shmoooze: A Heartbroken Father

Dear Readers, H-E-L-P! I may sound like a broken record to Matzav readers, and yes it is always an issue every year around this time, but...

When Did Elul Become A Time To Party?

Dear Matzav Shmooze, I am writing today to be yotzeh my chiyuv to be mocheh. Last night was the first night of selichos. For hundreds of years...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Why Do We Team Up With Mosdos That Don’t Take English...

Dear Editor, I am worried about the proposed NY State regulations that could impact yeshivos, which I have been reading about for the past half...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Thanks for Ruining My Life and Costing Me Thousands

Dear Editor, I am writing this to all the people who have ruined my Yom Tov - and a lot more. My wife and our five...

A Reader Writes: A New Angle On the Shidduch Crisis

Dear Editor, The "age gap theory"* has been receiving attention recently. What is being done to address this problem is providing incentives to make closer-in-age...

The Matzav Shmoooze: We Must Stop the Meshugaim

Dear Editor, Rabbosai, we have meshugaim out there who aren't vaccinating their kids and are trying to get other people to follow their insanity. We...

Readers’ Matzav: What Are You Bringing Into Your House?

Dear Matzav.com Editor, It is that time of year again when "peace and good will to all men" is upon us. Let me ask you a...

The Matzav Shmoooze: “I’ll Hang Up and Listen”

Dear Editor, I was recently listening to a talk show on the radio and I heard a caller tell the radio host after sharing his...

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