Democrat Jerry Nadler Says Not Forcing 2-Year-Olds To Wear Masks Is ‘Child Abuse’

WATCH: The fixation of the left on mandating masks for children has taken another ludicrous turn. Despite much of society moving away from irrational pandemic...

Wealthy Dump Assets Amid Worries About Going Over ‘Cliff’

For many of the wealthy, 2012 is becoming a good year to sell. They're worried about the "fiscal cliff," which is when tax cuts expire...

Israeli Envoy Reveals Iran-Hezbollah Weapons Smuggling Routes into Lebanon At UN Security Council Meeting

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday shared Israeli intelligence information with the UN Security Council showing Iran funneling weapons to the Hezbollah...

Jenin Residents Blame Abbas, Hamas for IDF Raid

Residents of the Jenin refugee camp are blaming the Palestinian Authority and Hamas for this week’s two-day Israeli military incursion, laying bare divisions within...

Did Escaped Gilboa Terrorists Use Coca Cola To Break Up The Concrete?

A preliminary report into the intelligence failure which led to the escape by six terrorists from the Gilboa Prison found that the terrorists likely...

America Calls for Restraint As Over 450 Gaza Rockets Have Been Fired at Israel...

By Anav Silverman Since January of this year, Gaza terrorists have fired more than 450 rockets towards Israeli citizens in communities across southern Israel ...

Watch: The World’s Tallest and Shortest Meet

The world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen, and the shortest woman, Jyoti Amge, visited Egypt's Giza Pyramids on Friday (January 26), as part of a...

Israeli Spiders Deployed to Save Colombia’s Coffee Crop

Little spider mites that harm plants and crops in Colombia will soon meet their match – and their maker – when Israeli-produced carnivorous spiders...

“HILLARY’S EMAILS”: Trump Floats Claim FBI Agents Were After Hillary’s Emails During Mar-A-Lago Raid

In a new claim about why federal agents raided his Florida home, Donald Trump floated the idea that they might have been looking for...

IDF Troops Foil Weapons Smuggling Attempt

On Friday, IDF troops thwarted a smuggling attempt of illegal weapons adjacent to the village of Ya'bad, West of Jenin. IDF troops identified two suspects...

Hikind Demands Apology from Rockland County Dems

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) released a letter Friday demanding an apology from the executive committee of the Rockland County Democratic Party’s calling for the...

Obama Endorses Dozens Of Dems, Snubs Ocasio-Cortez

Former President Barack Obama on Wednesday endorsed dozens of Democrats in races across the country, flexing his political muscle in the midterms and vowing...

Report: Elon Musk To Visit Israel Next Week

Elon Musk, who owns the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), is slated to make a visit to Israel in the upcoming week, Channel...

Trump Defends Abandoning the Kurds: They ‘Didn’t Help Us With Normandy’

President Trump on Wednesday addressed his decision to withdraw American troops from northern Syria, abandoning our Kurdish allies—who have done a majority of the fighting...

Congress Passes “Askanus” Bill

Today, the House of Representatives passed a measure sponsored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04) calling for a renewed national service and volunteerism program. The...

Madeleine Albright: Dems Should Blame George W. Bush ‘Forever’

Democrats should blame George W. Bush "forever" for the nation's problems, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright joked at a Barack Obama campaign rally....

Can Crooked Hillary Overcome Her Trust Problem?

Hillary Clinton's weekend interview with the FBI stands as a perfect symbol of what is probably her biggest liability heading into the fall election:...

Chareidi Women Form Political Party for Next Week’s Election

Israel's first political party made by chareidi Jewish women is running a novel campaign for parliament: no media ads or endorsements by rabbinical authorities,...

Obama: More Effort Needed to Improve Muslim Ties

President Barack Obama held up his boyhood home of Indonesia as an example to the Muslim world in a speech today in which he...

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