The Matzav Shmoooze: What Are You Doing?

Dear Friends, My grandparents A"H made it out of Europe before the inferno that claimed the lives of their families. My grandmother lost...

A Reader Writes: Dry Cleaning Credit Card Fraud

Dear Editor, I used to use a dry cleaning service in Lakewood that does pickup and delivery. A month later, I saw a charge on...

A Reader Writes: Ticketing By Police – It’s Out of Control

Dear Editor, Question: Are police paid with our tax dollars to protect us or to hound us with unending traffic tickets? Do we need...

Readers’ Matzav: X-mas Songs and Ice Cream

Dear Editor, This letter might seem strange but I feel an important lesson can be learned. The following is a letter I just recently received...

Touch Your Brethren in Israel…With Pizza

Dear friends, We all want to help out our brethren in Israel But how? Here's one idea for the readers of Two pies and two...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Mishloach Manos Gone Mad

Dear Editor, I am writing in regard to the 'mishloach manos syndrome,' the extravagance and pressure that has gotten out of hand. Priorities are misplaced,...

A Reader Writes: Putting Lives in Danger

Dear [email protected], I would like to discuss an issue which I feel it is not the right thing. Two days ago, there was a major...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Confused About Lag Ba’omer

Dear readers, There is something about Lag Ba'omer that I just cannot understand. I understand that we celebrate this special day for a number of...

Ruach Chaim Hails Visiting Day Cancellation

Dear [email protected], Boruch Hashem, Ruach Chaim's cancellation of Visiting Day went over very well. The campers, staff members, and parents alike were very appreciative that they...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Mi Ke’amcha Yisroel

Dear Editor, I wish to give public recognition and thanks to Accentuations by Design of Boro Park, NY. Last week, I was one of over...

The Matzav Shmooze: Encyclopedia Talmudis Covers

Dear Editor, I am writing to you in the hope that perhaps your readers can provide me some direction to solve a problem I am...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Cop Endangering Residents in Flatbush

Dear Editor, There is a cop that is endangering pedestrians at the corner of Avenue L and Coney Island Avenue in Flatbush, Brooklyn. He parks on the...

Video: A Reader Writes: The Professor and What is Considered ‘Jewish’ Music

Dear [email protected], Dr. Yitzchok Levine is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, and often...

The Matzav Shmoooze: How Dare They Endorse De Blasio Over Lhota?

Dear Editor, I usually don't write letters to editors, but there has been something bothering me that I can't understand. Maybe your readers...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Let’s Save Ateres Tzipora Together

Dear Matzav, Ateres Tizpora is an absolutely wonderful girls school in Lakewood, NJ, that really tries to take in as many girls as possible. They...

Readers’ Matzav: Chasunah Shtick Gemach

Dear Matzav Editor, We live in a wonderful community where people are always looking to help out others. If you look through the gemach list, you...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Writing from Yerushalayim

Dear Editor, I type this letter from the holy city of Yerushalayim. Friday night, about 15 minutes after lighting candles, my husband and I were...

A Message from Wendy

By Wendy Runge My dearest friends and family, as the bracha from Reb Michel Twerski directed: We have emerged VICTORIOUS!! Wait, what??? Looking back on a...

The Matzav Shmoooze: We Cannot Allow Employees to Be Left Hanging During This Crisis

Dear [email protected], The financial effects of the Coronavirus have been detrimental to many in our community. Earlier today my office sent out an email detailing...

The Matzav Shmoooze: To Lease or to Buy?

Dear Editor, As someone in the market to buy a car, I have been debating whether to buy (a used car) or to lease. I...

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