Readers’ Matzav: Spending a Lifetime at the Post Office

Dear Editor,  Maybe your readers can help me, because frankly, I am at a loss. Is it normal for one to have to bring...

A Message from Wendy

By Wendy Runge My dearest friends and family, as the bracha from Reb Michel Twerski directed: We have emerged VICTORIOUS!! Wait, what??? Looking back on a...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Stop Kvetching About Pesach Food

Dear readers, When Erev Pesach comes, we see the beauty of Klal Yisroel shine as everyone is busy cleaning out thechometz with such yiras Shomayim,...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Camps, Rabbeim, Tuition – The Truth

Dear Editor, With summer camp registration approaching and all the talk about rabbeim not being paid enough, I feel like I must pen this letter to...

The Matzav Shmoooze: What Do You Bring Into Your Home?

Dear Editor, Let me begin by making clear that I believe in protecting children. Those who hurt or abuse children should be removed from...

The Matzav Shmoooze: What Can We Learn?

Dear Editor, It pains me to write the following, but due to the present  situation in Eretz Yisroel, it is incumbent to make this...

Crash Victim Thanks Public for Their Tefillos

Dear Matzav Readers, Many of you know me as Yehuda Nesanel ben Basha Baila, as you have been davening for me since the car accident...

The Matzav Shmoooze: They Say “Awareness” Is The Cure

Dear Editor, They say "awareness" is the cure, but is it always? Are there not people out there who ignore these warning signs? You...

The Matzav Shmoooze: A Plea To Our Yeshivos And Camps In The Wake Of...

Dear Editor, A number of years ago, I sent a letter to the owner of a very prominent sleep-away camp in Monticello, New York....

Readers’ Matzav: Ticketing in Lakewood

Dear Editor, Last night's Chai Lifeline Lakewood event was a beautiful dinner for a very worthy cause.  The only upsetting thing  was Officer Bell of...

The ADL’s Woke War on the Right Won’t Stop Antisemitism

By Jonathan Tobin Sometimes, the most important questions are the ones that aren’t asked about the issues that generate the most concern. That’s certainly true...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Where Are the Askanim?

Dear [email protected], As the summer comes to a close, the talk shifts to the upcoming school year and tuition. I will not regurgitate all that's...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Obama Bashing

Dear Editor, You have a nice website and I visit every day to read about what's going on in the frum world and the outside...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Learning, Working

Dear Editor, I want a boy who is learning… Learning from his mistakes… Learning from the mistakes of others… Learning how to give without expecting anything in return… Learning...

Letter and Response on Non-Orthodoxy

This is in reference to an earlier article that was published here and appeared as well in Yated Ne’eman. Rabbi Lopatin wrote a letter...

A Reader Writes: Be Mentchlich When Calling for Shidduch Info

Dear Editor, I frequently get "information" calls from mothers who have kids in the "parsha." Generally I really enjoy these phone calls, because I...

Reader’s Matzav: The Buffer Trend – Will They Ever Grow Up?

Dear Matzav, When I was young, the dream of my life was to have a Walkie-Talkie. My Afikomen request was forever a two-way radio. I...

The Matzav Shmoooze: An Abuse Victim Yearning for a Chanukah Miracle, by A Struggling...

Dear, I'm sitting here on Chanukah night watching the small flames flickering on my menorah. The room is dark. The lights are off and...

Reader Submitted: Why I Support Hatzolah

By A Lakewood Resident Last week, I was at home with my kids, and it was hectic as usual. Nothing extreme, just a couple of...

From the Front Lines: Dating Disasters

By: Sandy Eller Ah, shidduchim.  For some people, dating is the stuff that fairy tales are made of.  Boy meets girl.   They click instantly, and...

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